1/26/2025 2:24:40 PM
קריירה בשב"כ

ISA and Israel Police Detain Three Israeli Arab Islamic State Supporters

The Israel Security Agency (ISA), in cooperation with the Israel Police, on 17 September 2017, arrested three Israeli Arabs, residents of Umm al-Fahm, and supporters of Islamic State.

Two of the three planned to carry out a shooting attack on the Temple Mount, similar to the one perpetrated on 14 July 2017.

The detainees are:

Said Gasub Mahmoud Jabarin, 26, involved in planning a terrorist attack on the Temple Mount;

A 16-year-old minor, involved in planning a terrorist attack on the Temple Mount; and

Faris Salah Mahmoud Mahajna, 24, a supporter of Islamic State and suspected of possessing war materiel.

The ISA investigation has revealed that Said Jabarin and the minor, who was arrested with him, planned to carry out the aforesaid shooting attack. They turned in two pistols and ammunition that were to have been used in the attack. It was learned that the two support the murderous ideology of Islamic State, which was the background to their planned attack.

A Carl Gustav rifle was seized at the home of Faris Mahajna.

Following the arrest and questioning of the three suspects, other individuals from the umm al-Fahm area were detained on suspicion of trafficking in war materiel, items of which were captured.

A senior ISA official said: "The picture of the affair shortly after the murderous July 2017 attack, two residents of Umm al-Fahm planned to carry out a similar attack on the Temple Mount. The attack was thwarted thanks to precise ISA intelligence which enabled the timely arrest of the members of the cell. The ISA views Israelis who support the terrorist Islamic State organization, especially those who are in contact with its operatives and who work on its behalf inside the State of Israel, as a serious security threat. The ISA will continue to take determined action and use the necessary enforcement measures to prevent the dissemination of the Islamic State ideology in Israel and to thwart the carrying out of any activity that harms the security of the state."

It should be noted that Islamic State is currently in retreat in most combat areas. Reality in the combat zones, in which the organization carries out terrorist actions, completely contradicts the seemingly positive picture that organization tries to push, mainly via the internet, to potential recruits. Organization members in the combat zones are in constant mortal danger even as they deal with very harsh living conditions.

1/26/2025 2:24:40 PM