2/15/2025 10:28:40 PM
קריירה בשב"כ


ISA is a state-run organization operating within the authority of the law. ISA's purpose, functions, and authorities are determined in accordance with the ISA Statute, 2002, which is public and open to all.
On this basis, taking into consideration the public's right to know, efforts have been made to provide via this website as much information as may be revealed on ISA's various activities, without causing damage to national security.
However, most of ISA's activity is of a clandestine nature, as reflected in the organization's motto - The Unseen Shield. Therefore, this website represents only a small part of ISA's activities and does not reveal clandestine information on ISA's many past missions and/or some of ISA's modi operandi.
2/15/2025 10:28:40 PM