2/15/2025 8:59:58 PM
קריירה בשב"כ

Terms and conditions of use - ISA website

The Prime Minister’s Office of the State of Israel (henceforth: the Office) provides information via this online service / informational website (henceforth: the service) according to the following conditions. The term “user” refers to any individual who connects to this service.
According to Israeli copyright law and international agreements, the copyright for Office publications, including those published on this service, belongs to the State of Israel. The copyright pertains to text, images, illustrations, maps, sound clips, video clips, graphics, and programs (henceforth: protected material), unless it is explicitly stated that the copyright for the protected material belongs to another party. 
The user is permitted to make appropriate usage of the protected material, according to the rules established in law. Appropriate usage includes reasonable citation from this protected material.
The source of the citation, be it the Office or another party, must be stated by the citing user. The user is prohibited from causing any misrepresentation, distortion, or other such change of the protected material, or any other activity that could cause denigration in the value of the protected material, or damage the reputation of the owner of the copyright. 
In accordance with copyright law, the user is prohibited from copying, redistributing, retransmitting, or publishing protected material, without advance written agreement from the Office.
Among others, the site contains photos from the 2007 photograph bank of Jupiterimages Corporation, as well as photographs from the database of the Government Press Office, the IDF Spokeperson, and the Spielberg Archive.
The service is offered to the public “as is".
The State of Israel is not responsible for adaptation of the service to the user’s needs. Likewise, the State of Israel disclaims liability for errors in the material presented in the service. 
The State of Israel disclaims liability for changes made in the material presented in the service by the user or by any third party. 
The user alone bears responsibility for his or her usage of the service. B45
The State of Israel disclaims liability for any damage caused to the user or any third party as a direct or indirect result of use of the service, including damage caused as a result of the use of programs downloaded directly through the service or activated as a result of use of the service, including Internet applications (such as Java, Javascript, or Active-X).
In the context of this clause, “the State of Israel” includes its employees, representatives, and any individual empowered to act on its behalf.
This service contains links to external sites. The following regulations apply to the use of these links, without taking away from the other terms of use and disclaimers. 
The links are intended for the convenience of the user only.
Links to external sites, not belonging to the State of Israel (henceforth: third party sites): unless otherwise indicated on this site, the Office has no legal or commercial ties to the owners of third party sites, nor does the Office control or have the rights to the material on these sites in any way. 
The State of Israel disclaims liability for the content of third party sites. 
The inclusion of links to third party sites does not indicate approval, authorization, recommendation, or preference by the State of Israel or the Office in relation to the linked sites and documents or any other material contained therein, nor to owners of the sites or products which appear in them.
At the time of the inclusion of each link in this service, information on the linked site was deemed appropriate for the purposes of the Office, and the link was working. However, with time, changes may have occurred in the linked site.
Privacy Rights
Personal information provided to the Office via this service will be kept confidential, in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Privacy Law, 1981.
Official Publications of the State of Israel
In the case of contradiction or inconsistency between the material published on the service and that which appears in written official publications of the State of Israel, only material from official publications will be considered accurate.
2/15/2025 8:59:58 PM